Saturday, January 29, 2011

Literature Review 1 (1/29/11)

Perspectives on the Integration of Technology and Assessment
(see citation below)

This article discussed the use of technology in assessment.  The author’s main points revolved about a “21st century approach to assessment” in which educators use technology to create better assessments and to use the information from assessments more effectively (Pallegrino, 2010).  The article discusses how so much of today’s education is focused on standardized testing (mostly because of NCLB) that we should be harnessing the new technology we have in order to help us improve test scores.  If we use technology to improve our assessments, teachers will be able to take those assessments and improve student learning in the classroom which translates to improved test scores. 
The author mentions two computer programs that have been developed for this purpose.  One program, DIAGNOSER, can diagnose a student’s level of understanding of a concept based on their answers to questions (Pallegrino, 2010).  Teachers can then take these results and use them to guide their teaching.  The program also provides recommended activities for teachers based on student results.  The second program called ASSISTment, uses scaffolding questions and that the performance on this program has been predictive of performances on certain standardized tests (Pallegrino, 2010).  Therefore, teachers could use this new technology to help zero in on students’ skills and what needs to be taught. 
At the end of the article, the author points out how this is just one more way in which technology can change and improve education.  He argues that this technology and the data it could provide teachers about students could change the way we currently assess and teach.

I chose this article because assessment is such an integral part of education today and an aspect that I believe technology has not influenced enough yet.  Assessments are the basis for a majority of today’s teaching and curriculum and if we can use technology to improve that, then we should.  Also, I think using technology to assist in assessments in the classroom would benefit everyone (teachers, students, administration, and parents).  Having computerized assessments that narrow in and diagnose what students do and do not know would allow teachers to tailor their instruction to exactly what the students need.  In addition, I think it would make the students more aware of what their strengths and weaknesses are.  Having all of this data and information computerized would also allow educators to see students’ progress over time and make better educational decisions.
As much as I liked the ideas and concepts that were presented, but this type of technology integration into the classroom is going to take a long time.  Overall I felt, as I was reading this article, that this would be a great way to utilize technology to improve education and streamline educational standards and goals.

Pellegrino, J. & Quellmalz, E. (2010). Perspectives on the Integration of Technology and Assessment. Journal of Research of Technology in Education, 43 (2).  Retrieved from

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